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Buy Virgin Instant GmbHs in Germany: 10623 Berlin, 28209 Bremen, 60322 Frankfurt am Main, 22085 Hamburg, 80801 Munich, 50823 Cologne. We also serve in the areas of Dortmund and Stuttgart

Virgin Instant GmbHs

Do you want to start a mid-sized or large business and need a matching company in Germany and

  • that immediately?
  • have no time to wait endless months until your company is fully founded?
  • lack the time for registration at various authorities?
  • wait for another endless period until the local tax office grants a tax number?
  • wait again for the federal tax office to grant your company VAT-ID for EU business?
  • do not want to hassle with a bank that demands your physical presence though all other authorities do not?


We have the solution! Buy a Virgin Instant GmbH !


Well, this is nothing special, but it actually is. We founded a UG, a GmbH to be, provided the statutory capital, registered it at all authorities, and obtained a domestic tax number. Hence, nobody can claim to have made business with your GmbH prior to purchasing your company!

Upon purchase from us, your shelf company will simultaneously be transformed into your fully-fledged GmbH after you pay 12,494 € to the company's bank account.

They have been incorporated and registered in accordance with all applicable laws, including any legal, accounting, or tax requirements.



Takeover Services

How does the purchase work? The process is simple; the red tape is not. First, you buy the shares, and as new shareholders, you will issue a board resolution to change everything (director, line of business, etc.). Since we do not just sell but take care of all the red tape, we will inquire about all that information from you and take care of all the rest. We organize all of the formalities!

We will support you locally in Berlin or Germany and remotely from abroad.

Local Support to Purchase Your Company

Our turnkey services for you locally take over your shelf company in chronological order will be:

  1. Determining you the new shareholder(s),
  2. Determining you the new director(s),
  3. Drafting the sales contract,
  4. Determining any need for a Proxy Director
  5. Determining your line of business,
  6. Determining the new address,
    (N.B. we provide virtual offices
  7. Visiting the notary to sign the contract; if you do not come to the notary, we will represent you and you will subsequently approve the representation via a notary,
  8. Upon entry into the commercial registry, we will introduce you to the bank so that you can also take over the bank account.
  9. Providing you with Additional Services after Purchase – in as far as wished and ordered.
  10. After you have funded the company, we will inform the notary.
  11. The notary will then submit the registration.
  12. The commercial registry will enter your GmbH.


Remote Takeover Services

How does the purchase from abroad work? It remains that we provide turnkey services. All written above applies but with the following differences starting with number 7 of the above list:

  1. We will visit the notary in your absence to sign the contract – also on your behalf.
    Sound illegal or bogus? Relax! This signing without your power of attorney is not yet binding. We will need to send us your formal approval. You will receive all necessary documentation from us.
  2. You will visit a German council in your vicinity.
  3. You send us the approval as a hard copy and gladly as a PDF upfront.
  4. Upon receipt of your approval, we will deliver it to the notary latest on the next day.
  5. Then all the rest, starting with number 10 above will apply.

Parallel to all this, you are to supply your new company with the missing statutory capital!

When is the company really yours?

The company is practically yours after having signed the contract with the notary and legally after it has been registered in the Commercial Registry. You can then initiate your business with your new company. Okay, careful people might be anxious. We will provide you with hints on how to start your business immediately and stay safe.

That's it! A piece of cake!!

Time Scale – Standard Approach

Upon receipt of payment and the completed questionnaire, we will provide you with your drafts within two working days.

  • one week to arrange a notarial appointment,
  • two weeks after submission, the changes will be entered in the commercial registry,
  • one month until the tax office has registered the new setup,
    N.B. The tax number remains valid in this period!
  • next day after being informed of the registration, we will let you take over the bank account,
  • two weeks until the VAT-ID has been issued.

The company is practically yours after having signed the contract with the notary and legally after it has been registered in the commercial registry. You can already initiate your business after the appointment with the notary. Okay, careful people might have concerns. Respected! We will provide you with hints to initiate your business and yet remain safe.


The fees to take over a readymade GmbH will be € 2500 plus any supplementary services as you request.

N.B. Against a surcharge, we also provide an expedited sale.

How to order your new Company?

Just click the button below and be led to the purchase form in our online shop.

Buy your Company here